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Assurance commercialeSHANDONG OLI MACHINERY CO., LTD.

Catégories principales: Pinces ER,Porte-outils,Tapping Tools,Têtes d'alésage

JISISODINTc312Gt12M8TappingColletwithOverloadClutch-Olicnc,ERCollets,ToolHolders,MachineAccessoiresPinces,TPorte-outilsMandrinsde foragedirectduCN

Pinces à tarauder GT12/24/42/

Pince de taraudage JIS ISO DIN TC312 GT12 M8 avec embrayage de surcharge

1.Function of over-loading
2.High force and clamping
3.Capacity: M3-M42 tapping collets
4.Good clamping strength
5.Long lifetime
6.Precise accuracy
7.Safety quick change.
8.Torque type wire tapping chuck,can prevent broken in the tapping


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