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Categorie principali: Pinze ER,Portautensili,Strumenti di tocco,Teste noiose

Bt40ToolCart35CapacityCNCToolingTrolleyBlue40TaperToolHoldersShelfCartwithTwoSwivelandTwoFixedCasters-Olicnc,Pinze ER,ToolHolders,AccessoriMacchinaPinze,TooPortautensilindrini per trapanodiretto da CN

Carrello portautensili/

Carrello porta attrezzi Bt40 35 Carrello portautensili CNC di capacità blu 40 Carrello con scaffale portautensili conico con due ruote girevoli e due fisse

BT30 BT40 cnc cutting tools cabinets tool holder storage tooling trolley Model CNS-09 Dimensione(mm) 850*450*800 Package Dimension(mm) 820*460*120 Il peso(kg) 26kg Product description: The four sides of the vertical plate and the bottom plate are connected by four or four triangular plate bolts, which can be equipped with 5 cutter bars, a bracket on the right side can store small bits and pieces, and a four-inch two-fixed two live polyurethane brake caster at the bottom Can be equipped with 45 B30 square knife sets; 35 BT40 square knife sets; 25 BT50 square knife sets

  • Product Details

BT30 BT40 cnc cutting tools cabinets tool holder storage tooling trolley

Model CNS-09
Dimensione(mm) 850*450*800
Package Dimension(mm) 820*460*120
Il peso(kg) 26kg
Product description: The four sides of the vertical plate and the bottom plate are connected by four or four triangular plate bolts, which can be equipped with 5 cutter bars, a bracket on the right side can store small bits and pieces, and a four-inch two-fixed two live polyurethane brake caster at the bottom Can be equipped with 45 B30 square knife sets; 35 BT40 square knife sets; 25 BT50 square knife sets








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